Mens shoe lifts FAQ – Everything you need to know about shoe lifts

Today I’m putting together a huge list of the most commonly asked questions I get sent, we’re covering everything to do with shoe lifts, height increasing insoles and more. I hope you enjoy the read, please use the comments section below to submit your own questions and they’ll be answered soon!

If you’re just getting started with shoe lifts, be sure to check out our beginners guide here.


Shoe lift effectiveness in different shoe types (2)
FAQ Everything you’ve always wanted to know about mens shoe lifts.

How do I pick the correct size?

It’s easy to choose the correct size shoe lifts, particularly as most manufacturers offer standardized sizing. There are two main types:

How to increase your height using shoe lifts (1)
The two main types of mens shoe lifts: Full sized that you cut down to size or hell wedges to slip into any shoe.

Cut to Size Shoe Lifts

Cut to size shoe lifts come in one standard size, you then follow guidelines printed on the lift to trim it to size. These have lots of benefits, it gives greater flexibility between shoe types and you can ensure a perfect fit every time.Cutting these types of shoe lifts down to size is easy and can be done with a regular pair of household scissors. This type of men’s shoe lift often incorporates a whole foot insole, rather than simply providing an ankle wedge. Incorporating the insole section helps the lift fit better within your shoe, it stops it from sliding around and makes it more comfortable to wear.

Heel wedge shoe lifts

These are a really good choice if you are looking for a quick and easy way to increase your height. These hard foam shoe inserts take up less room than the larger variation making them also suitable for smaller shoes or wider feet that need a little more space. These are the style I started off using, they also tend to be more affordable too.

Can I use shoe lifts across different shoes?

You sure can, swap them between all of your shoes, boots and sneakers to increase your height!

How can I use shoe lifts to increase my height?

Increasing your height is really simple using shoe lifts and heel inserts. Slip them inside your shoes and you’re good to go, its an instant height gain that makes you 1″-4″ taller straight away.

Are shoe lifts suitable for running?

Shoe lifts are comfortable to wear all day long, in most types of shoes. However, I don’t advise using them for any kind of intense exercise. Not only will it shorten the life span of your lifts, the enhanced height and angle could throw you off balance.

Are shoe lifts compatible with other types of insoles?

It’s not advised that you wear shoe lifts along side other insoles for safety reasons. Doing so will also reduce the comfort and effectiveness of your shoes and insoles.


If you’ve found this FAQ helpful, or you have any more questions to submit, please comment below and give us your feedback, I love hearing from you guys. Jon, Head Blogger


Can I use shoe lifts in regular shoes?

You can use shoe lifts in all shoe types. Shoe lifts are suitable to wear everyday in work shoes, boots, sneakers and chuck taylors. For more information on the best type of shoes to wear shoe lifts with, check out this here.

How much taller can shoe lifts make me?

Using shoe lifts can make you instantly taller, how much taller depends on the brand and style you chose. Most designs start at around 0.75″ to 1″ of lift as a minimum, with extreme elevator heels offering up to 4″ or even more of additional height.


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